1 ~Turn the  control on your\nmonitor to its fullest,\nbrightest setting.\n\n 2 ~Adjust the  control to\nmake the square as black as\npossible, while keeping the\nframe bright white. The black\nshould be a nice deep, dark\nblack, without a faint aura.\n\n 3 Looking at the black edges\nof your monitor may also help\nyou make this adjustment. 16 Warm (Paper White) 17 Current White Point 18 ~First, 3Deep needs some\ninformation about your\nmonitor.\n\n\n\n 19 Now choose the Kodak Device\nColor Profile 3Deep should\nuse for color matching\n\n\n\n 20 Specify whether 3Deep\nshould automatically optimize\nthe color balance of your\nmonitor when color matching\nbetween screen and printer. 21 Other Printer... 22 No Color Printer 23 3Deep will not work in this resolution on your size monitor. Ideal conditions to calibrate your monitor exist at resolutions lower than your current setting.\n\nPlease exit and change resolution to continue calibration. 32 ~3Deep is now computing\nand saving the characterics\nof your monitor.\n\n 33 This may take a while. 48 ~Your system is currently set\nto display only sixteen (16)\ncolors.\n\n 49 ~Look at the rectangle at the\nleft. If you clearly see a\ncontinuous scale of grays,\ncontinue. Otherwise, cycle\nthrough the set of patterns\nusing the arrows.\n\n 50 If none of the rectangles is\ncorrect, 3Deep is not\ncompatible with your display\nadaptor. You should exit the\nprogram now. 64 ~Sit back at a normal distance\nfrom your monitor.\n\n 65 ~Select the colored square\nthat seems to disappear\nagainst the background tone.\n\n 66 ~Blur your eyes by squinting\nto make this task easier.\n\n 67 Select between two squares\nif that seems more precise. 68 ~Again, sit back at a normal\ndistance from your monitor.\n\n 69 ~Select the colored square\nthat seems to disappear\nagainst the background tone.\n\n 70 ~Blur your eyes by squinting\nto make this task easier.\n\n 71 Select between two squares\nif that seems more precise. 72 Select the first visible\nsquare, the one where\nyou just begin to see color. 80 ~Select the Color Reference\nCard (  or  )\nfor your type of lighting. Apply\nit to the monitor where shown.\n\n 81 ~The card must be brightly\nilluminated. Turn on more room\nlights of the proper type,\nif necessary.\n\n 82 ~Turn the  control all the\nway down, then slowly up until\nthe screen appears to be\nthe same brightness as the\nColor Reference Card.\n\n 83 Blur your eyes by squinting\nto make this easier. 85 ~Now select the square most\nclosely matching the Color\n Reference Card.\n\n 86 ~Again, squint to make\nmatching easier.\n\n 87 Force yourself to choose the\nbest color match, even if it\nis not exact. 96 &Copy 97 The disk in %1\nis not a valid\nprinter profile disk. 98 The disk in %1\ndoes not contain any\nreadable printer profile. 99 Cannot open/read source file %1. 100 Cannot open/write destination file %1. 101 The printer profile disk is corrupted. 102 &OK 103 Cannot decompress the source file %1. 104 Not enough memory to perform operation. 112 Alpha Version 95.4 (for evaluation only) 113 Beta Version 95.4 (for evaluation only) 114 Release Candidate 95.4 (for evaluation only) 115 Final Version 95.42 (not for sale) 116 Version 95.42 117 SONN-9542-020698 128 ~3Deep has detected that your\ndisplay is already color-corrected.\n\n 129 ~In order to re-calibrate your monitor,\n3Deep needs to turn off color correction.\n\n 130 3Deep will reset your display to its\nstandard uncorrected state\nallowing you to perform a new calibration. 144 For Best Results 160 ~3Deep detects that one of your applications is using the Kodak Color Management System.\n 161 ~If you want to use the new 3Deep Kodak monitor profile with that application, you must run the Kodak Color Configure program first.\n\n 162 ~When running Kodak's Color Configure, if you encounter the following message:\n\n 163 "No matching Output Simulation Precision Transform for selected Output Precision Transform"\n\n 164 Then please call Sonnetech, at (415) 957-9941, to request the simulation portion of your device color profile. 165 Then please run the SetupSim program found in the SimPT directory of your 3Deep CD to install the simulation portion of your color device profile. 176 Please close all the applications and click on the OK button to restart Windows. 192 ~3Deep does NOT support 256-color, non-palette modes.\n\n\n 193 Choose another video setting in your driver\n\ncontrol panel, or go to Windows Setup\n\nand choose a different video driver. 208 ~Another application using the\nKodak Precision Color Management System\nis currently running on your computer.\n\n\n 209 ~Please exit 3Deep and\nclose all applications using the\nKodak Precision Color Management System.\n\n\n 210 Then restart 3Deep to perform\na new calibration. 224 Optimized (Warm white) 225 Standard (Cool White) 240 ~You may now remove the\nColor Reference Card,\nand adjust your  control to\na comfortable level.\n\n 241 Do NOT change your\nbrightness  control again.\nLeave it in its current\nposition.\n\n 256 ~Apply the Color Reference Card\nto the monitor where shown.\n\n 257 ~The card must be brightly\nilluminated. Turn on more room\nlights if necessary.\n\n 258 ~Turn the  control all the\nway down, then slowly up until\nthe screen appears to be\nthe same brightness as the\nColor Reference Card.\n\n 259 Blur your eyes by squinting\nto make this easier. 260  Incandescent 261  Cool White Fluorescent 262  Halogen 263  Daylight Fluorescent (6500K) 264  Warm White Fluorescent (3500K) 265  Soft Tone Fluorescent (2700K) 266 Other ... 272 Unadjusted 273 Desktop Publishing (5000K) 274 Desktop Publishing (7500K) 275 Video/Multimedia 276 Business Graphics 277 Games 278 CAD/CAM 279 Photography 280 Internet/World Wide Web 281 3D Rendering 282 Optimized DVD Display 283 VRML (Virtual Reality) Viewing 304 ~Most newer video cards enable 3Deep to optimize your display.\n\n 305 ~BUT, your current video driver does NOT enable this feature (or your video card doesn't support it).\n\n 306 ~Contact your video card maker and request a new video driver supporting "Downloadable Gamma Tables" if you want to use this feature of 3Deep.\n\n 307 3Deep will still provide screen-to-printer color matching, even with your current video driver. 320 3Deep for Windows 321 3Deep is not properly installed.\nPlease run 3Deep setup. 322 In the current display mode, the desktop is larger than the display size.\n\n3Deep cannot work accurately in this mode.\nPlease go to the Display Properties control panel and temporarly disable\nthis feature. 323 In the current display mode, the desktop is larger than the display size.\n\nYou can continue the calibration process, but for best results, go to the\nDisplay Properties control panel and temporarly disable this \nfeature.\n\nDo you want to continue anyway? 324 Your version of 3Deep is an OEM version, customized for %s.\n\nYou can upgrade by contacting Sonnetech, Ltd. at www.colorific.com\nor uninstall 3Deep from the Control Panel. 336 ~3Deep requires administrative privileges to run.\n\n\n 337 ~It changes the system for all users.\n\n\n 338 Restart Windows with administrative privilege to run 3Deep. 352 3Deep for Multi-Headed System, Monitor %d. 353 [Calibrated] 57344 3Deep